Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Feeling Crummy.

I woke up today feeling as bad as Jackie Stallone's plastic surgery. Just incase anyone has forgotten quite how shocking that is, here you go:


I figured that the best thing to do was look at some nice happy pictures.

Exhibit A


Exhibit B


Another good way is to watch films such as The Breed, Final Destination and The Last Gateway because these people are worse off than I am. My cure: lemsip, honey, a couple of chapters of New Moon and a couple of episodes of Nighty Night. The group of 'fun-lovin' youths in The Breed have to go rock climbing with arrows sticking out of their legs to get away from the scary dogs... And the poor kid in The Last Gateway (see trailer below) has a door to hell hiding in his tummy.

It's not ALL that bad.(?)
